Quakerism started in 1650s England, when George Fox (b.1624) of Fenny Drayton, gathered those who were at odds with conventional Christian doctrine. Known as 'Friends of Truth', these groups believed that there is 'that of God in everyone' - meaning that God can communicate directly to any individual, not just ordained ministers of the Church.
Now known as the Religious Society of Friends or 'Quakers', the belief of spiritual and individual equality remains a fundamental testimony; along with the other testimonies of peace, integrity, simplicity, community, and stewardship.
Quakers meet for worship by joining together in silence. Whilst the practice may appear one of meditation, we are active in our stillness: contemplating, reflecting and listening to that which speaks within us. This may be perceived as 'God' or the 'Spirit', or as a sense of universality or greater power. Quakers often use the term 'the Light' to embrace this concept.
Within our silence, we are open to the connections between fellow Friends; creating a shared space of worship. When moved to speak, a Friend will stand and share their thoughts with the Meeting. Their ministry is accepted with silence and compassion, leaving space to reflect without comment or judgement. At the end of the meeting (usually an hour), we shake hands and greet each other, before spending time together over tea and coffee.
If you are new to Meeting, please be assured of a warm welcome, whatever your faith or background. Many find themselves at home in such an accepting atmosphere. If you'd like to speak to someone before coming to a Meeting, do use the contact form and someone will be in touch.
We do not hold regular children's meetings at present, but children are always very welcome to attend. We have relevant provision for children during Meeting, but ask that they be accompanied by a parent or guardian.
You don't have to be a Quaker to attend Quaker Meetings, but regular attenders may find that, after a time, they wish to become a member of the Religious Society of Friends. If you are interested in knowing more about becoming a Quaker, you can use our Resources page, along with the links in the footer for more information. Speaking to existing members and visiting other Meetings can also provide invaluable information, support and personal experience.