Oakham Meeting House has a well-stocked library from which you may borrow books and journals on the various aspects of Quaker history and testimony, including biographies of influential Quakers throughout history.
There are also plenty of online resources to learn more about Quakerism, with Britain Yearly Meeting being a great starting point. There are also regular Quaker publications such as Quake! and The Friend, as well as online and in person courses through centres such as Woodbrooke in the UK, as well as other locations further afield (see links below).
Of course, one of the greatest resources is that of fellow Friends, whose willingness to share their thoughts and views can be a valuable asset in following your own spiritual path.
Britain Yearly Meeting National newsletter, Quake! and other information.
Woodbrooke international Quaker learning and research organisation, based in Britain.
Friends contribute to Quaker life in a variety of ways. Simply coming to Meeting for Worship, and being a part of the silence we uphold together, is an essential aspect of giving, along with the gift of Ministry.
There are also practical ways you can become more involved with Meeting: helping with the washing up; opening and closing for Meeting; assisting with social and charitable events. If you feel that you would like to help with any of these tasks do speak to someone in the Meeting. The more formal roles of clerk, treasurer, oversight and eldership and trustee are filled through discernment in the Quaker way by the nominations group.
If you feel able to contribute financially to Meeting, regularly or as a one-off, please contact the treasurer for a Giving Form. Regular giving greatly helps the Meeting with routine expenses and funding of other commitments. However, we recognise that regular giving is not appropriate for everybody; it is a matter for your own consideration and discernment.
You may, of course, wish to also donate to other Quaker causes, such as Leicester Area Meeting or Britain Yearly Meeting. If you would like any advice, our treasurer or clerk will be happy to help.
As a charity, any donations are eligible for Gift Aid, which provides a significant additional 25% to your contribution.